Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sophie's one-week birthday!

Last night, at approximately 11:17pm, we celebrated Sophie's one-week birthday! There was no cake or ice cream or gifts, but it was amazing to think that we've been blessed enough to have received this amazing gift from God for a whole week already! The time seems to have flown by. We are definitely still adjusting to our new roles, but so far things are going pretty well. Sophie for the most part is giving us about 4-hour windows in which to sleep between feedings, which I hear is better than average! She doesn't do much more than sleep, feed, poop & pee, and look cute, but we sure love her a ton. Here's a few more new pics...


Unknown said...

What a cute little brown baby, she doesn't even need to come to Hawaii to get some color! Happy One Week Sophie!

Anonymous said...

How I wish I could hold her! She is so beautiful! Love and Kisses Sweet Sophie, Grandma

suz said...

Sooooooooo precious!

Chuck & Charlotte said...

WOW one week..... hold on tight, the ride of your lives is just beginning. Soak every minute in, enjoying each smile, pouting lip and every "first".

We are soooooo happy and excited for you both.

Give her kisses from us!

Chuck & Charlotte