Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Lone Star State

Janelle and I took our first trip to Texas ever last week, and man, it is a big state! We drove all the way to Corpus Christi (on the Gulf Shore) from western Colorado. It took about 22 hours to get there, via Durango, CO, Albuquerque, NM, El Paso and San Antonio, TX. It was an interesting drive, full of beautiful scenery, new cityscapes, mountains, plateaus, and glimpses of Mexico across the Rio Grande in El Paso! We even had to drive through a border patrol hanger (even though we never crossed any international borders) and had a Border Patrol officer look into our car and ask if we were US Citizens!

We had a great time. We spent the greater part of 3 days on right on the beach on Mustang Island, with our tent literally mere yards from the water and waves. Although it wasn't quite as sunny as had promised, it was still sunny enough to get us kind-of tan and even burned in areas. It was also really windy, and we found out later that Corpus Christi is world reknown for wind surfing!

We ate at Whataburger--the local burger joint, played some mini-golf, walked up to a real-life aircraft carrier, managed to pretty-much avoid the obnoxious college spring break crowd, and even had the chance to gawk at the prices some people pay for stupid plastic beach-related paraphernalia at the tourist shops that entice you in with their gigantic fake sharks, mermaids, fountains, etc. connected to their cheap-o establishments.

But, alas, vacations can't last forever, and in fact this one didn't even last a full week! We made our way back through San Antonio and Fort Worth, TX, Oklahoma City, OK, Amarillo, TX, and Pueblo, CO. And in case you're wondering why I didn't bunch Amarillo in with San Antonio and Fort Worth, it's because Texas is friggin' huge and we had to cut back through it from Oklahoma City!

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